    文小航(Xiaohang Wen)


    文小航,男,中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所大气物理学与大气环境博士、北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室博士后、美国夏威夷大学国际太平洋研究中心访问学者。现为国家遥感中心四川分部副主任、成都天府海智专家、成都市无人机产业协会顾问。申请人共发表论文50余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇,出版著作6部,发明专利3项,实用新型专利2项,软件著作权2项。曾参加IEEE 1939.1无人机低空航路标准的气象数据标准制定工作,获IEEE嘉奖。































    1.Wen X*, Lu S, Jin J. Integrating remote sensing data with WRF for improved simulations of oasis effects on local weather processes over an arid region in northwestern China[J]. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2012, 13(2): 573-587.

    2.Wen X H*, Liao X H, Yuan W P, et al. Numerical simulation and data assimilation of the water-energy cycle over semiarid northeastern China[J]. Science China Earth Sciences, 2014, 57: 2340-2356

    3.Wen X*, Dong W, Yuan W, et al. Establishment and analysis of a high-resolution assimilation dataset of the water-energy cycle in China[J]. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2015, 87: 126-141

    4.Wen X*, Liu C, Luo S. Comparative analysis of water-energy cycle processes based on high-resolution assimilation dataset of the water-energy cycle in China data over different underlying surfaces in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2020, 8: 576461.

    5.Wen X*, Pan W, Sun X, et al. Study on the variation trend of potential evapotranspiration in the three-river headwaters region in China over the past 20 years[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2020, 8: 582742.

    6.Ma J,Wen X*,Li M, et al. Analysis of Surface Energy Changes over Different Underlying Surfaces Based on MODIS Land-Use Data and Green Vegetation Fraction over the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(12): 2751.

    7.Zhang Y, Yan D,Wen X*,et al. Comparative analysis of the meteorological elements simulated by different land surface process schemes in the WRF model in the Yellow River source region[J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020, 139: 145-162.

    8.Ruan J,Wen X*, Fan G, et al. Comparative analysis of different underlying surfaces using a high-resolution assimilation dataset in semi-arid areas in China[J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2018, 134: 817-828.

    9.Yan D, Liu T, Dong W, et al. Integrating remote sensing data with WRF model for improved 2-m temperature and humidity simulations in China[J]. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 2020, 89: 101127.通讯作者

    10.Zhu X, Ji Z,Wen X*, et al. Historical and projected climate change over three major river basins in China from Fifth and Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project models[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2021, 41(15): 6455-6473.通讯作者

    11.Zheng Z, Yan D,Wen X, et al. The effect of greenhouse gases concentration and urbanization on future temperature over Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in China[J]. Climate Dynamics, 2022, 58(11-12): 3369-3392.第三作者

    12.Zhu X, Lee S Y,Wen X, et al. Historical evolution and future trend of Northern Hemisphere snow cover in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models[J]. Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16(6): 065013.第三作者

    13.Zhu X, Lee S Y,Wen X, et al. Extreme climate changes over three major river basins in China as seen in CMIP5 and CMIP6[J]. Climate Dynamics, 2021, 57: 1187-1205.第三作者

    14.Cao B, Zhang Y, Zhao Y, et al. Influence of the low-level jet on the intensity of the nocturnal oasis cold island effect over northwest China[J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020, 139: 689-699.第四作者

    15.Zhu X, Wei Z, Dong W, et al. Projected temperature and precipitation changes on the Tibetan Plateau: results from dynamical downscaling and CCSM4[J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2019, 138: 861-875.第四作者

    16.Zhang S, Wang B, Wang S, et al. Influence of air pollution on human comfort in five typical Chinese cities[J]. Environmental Research, 2021, 195: 110318.第五作者

    17.Zhu X, Wei Z, Dong W, et al. Dynamical downscaling simulation and projection for mean and extreme temperature and precipitation over central Asia[J]. Climate Dynamics, 2020, 54: 3279-3306.第五作者

    18.Dai T, Dong W, Guo Y, et al. Understanding the abrupt climate change in the mid-1970s from a phase-space transform perspective[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2018, 57(11): 2551-2560.第五作者

    19.Wei T, He S, Yan Q, et al. Decadal shift in west China autumn precipitation and its association with sea surface temperature[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018, 123(2): 835-847.第五作者

    20.Wang B, Wei M, Hua W, et al. Characteristics and possible formation mechanisms of severe storms in the outer rainbands of Typhoon Mujiga (1522)[J]. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2017, 31(3): 612-624.第五作者

    21.Wang C, Wei Z, Li Z, et al. Testing and improving the performance of the Common Land Model: A case study for the Gobi landscape[J]. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2017, 31(3): 625-632.第五作者

    22.Hua W, Fan G, Zhang Y, et al. Trends and uncertainties in surface air temperature over the Tibetan Plateau, 1951–2013[J]. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2017, 31(2): 420-430.第五作者

    23.Li X, Li X, Ma H, et al. Reforestation in southern China enhances the convective afternoon rainfall during the post-flood season[J]. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 10: 942974.第六作者

    24.Wu K, Kang P, Tie X, et al. Evolution and assessment of the atmospheric composition in Hangzhou and its surrounding areas during the G20 summit[J]. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2019, 19(12): 2757-2769.第六作者

    25.Zheng Z, Wei Z, Wen Z, et al. Inclusion of solar elevation angle in land surface albedo parameterization over bare soil surface[J]. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2017, 9(8): 3069-3081.第六作者

    26.Wei T, Song W, Dong W, et al. A skilful prediction scheme for West China autumn precipitation[J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2019, 135: 183-192.第六作者

    27.Zhu X, Dong W, Wei Z, et al. Multi‐decadal evolution characteristics of global surface temperature anomaly data shown by observation and CMIP5 models[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2018, 38(3): 1533-1542.第六作者

    28.Zheng Z, Wei Z, Wen Z, et al. A study of variation characteristics of Gobi broadband emissivity based on field observational experiments in northwestern China[J]. Theoretical and applied climatology, 2018, 131: 1357-1368.第六作者

    29.Yang S, Dong W, Chou J, et al. Global warming projections using the human–earth system model BNU-HESM1. 0[J]. Science Bulletin, 2016, 61(23): 1833-1838.第七作者

    30.Zheng Z, Dong W, Yan D, et al. Relative contributions of urbanization andgreenhouse gases concentration on future climate over Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region in China[J]. Climate Dynamics, 2022: 1-21.第八作者

    31.Tian D, Dong W, Yan X, et al. Climate system responses to a common emissionbudget of carbon dioxide[J]. Journal of Climate, 2016, 29(7): 2433-2442.第九作者

    32.文小航*,尚可政,王式功,等. 1961-2000年中国太阳辐射区域特征的初步研究[J].中国沙漠,2008,28(3):555-561.

    33.文小航*,吕世华,孟宪红,等. WRF模式对金塔绿洲效应的数值模拟[J].高原气象,2010,29(5):1163-1173

    34.文小航*,吕世华,尚伦宇,等. WRF模式对金塔绿洲-戈壁辐射平衡的模拟研究[J].太阳能学报(EI),2011,32(3):346-353.


    36.文小航*,董文杰,廖小罕. WRF模式对东北半干旱区夏季辐射收支与能量平衡的模拟研究[J].太阳能学报, 2015, 36(9): 2196-2203





    41.奥银焕,王毅,张得文,罗斯琼,文小航,等.平定高速公路沿线近40年气候特征分析[J].高原气象,2010, 29( 6) : 1602- 1608

    42.钟若嵋,廖小罕,徐晨晨,等.京津冀地区无人机低空航路气象环境模拟研究[J].气象科技进展, 2021.

    43.钟若嵋,文小航*,徐晨晨,文小航.基于高分辨率模式的京津冀地区无人机航路风向风速模拟分析[J].地理科学进展, 2021, 40(9): 1528-1539.

    44.张懿,文小航*,王少影,等.玛曲高寒草甸夏季近地层微气象和CO_2通量特征分析[J].冰川冻土, 2019 (1): 54-63.

    45.张一然,文小航*,罗斯琼,等.近20年若尔盖湿地植被覆盖变化与气候因子关系研究[J].高原气象, 2022.

    46.郑志远,韦志刚,李振朝,文小航.中国西北三类典型裸土下垫面地表宽波段发射率变化特征研究[J].大气科学, 2016, 40(6): 1227-1241.

    47.胡文东,杨侃,文小航,等.阵风锋差异及强迫作用对雷暴触发影响的模拟分析[J].高原气象, 2021.

    48.李得勤,段云霞,张述文,文小航.土壤湿度和土壤温度模拟中的参数敏感性分析和优化[J].大气科学, 2015, 39(5): 991-1010.

    49.李得勤,文小航,段云霞,等. MODIS产品反演与WRF模式默认植被覆盖度对比研究[J].气象与环境学报, 2015, 31(4): 26-34.

    50.吴锴,康平,于雷,等. 2015—2016年中国城市臭氧浓度时空变化规律研究[J].环境科学学报, 2018, 38(6): 2179-2190.

    51.姜琪,罗斯琼,文小航,等. 1961-2014年青藏高原积雪时空特征及其影响因子[J].高原气象, 2020, 39(1): 24-36.











    1.IEEE1939.1-IEEE Standard for a Framework forStructuring Low‐Altitude Airspace forUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)Operations,2021,获IEEE贡献者嘉奖。



