    王式功(Shigong Wang)








    1.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目:冬春季四川盆地西南涡活动对大气复合污染影响与机制研究(91644226), 201701-202012,项目负责人;









    4. 973项目:“中国大气气溶胶及其气候效应的研究”专题---“兰州地区灰霾天气成因及预报研究”,专题负责人,2011年12月完成;



    7. 973项目专题:沙尘暴形成的天气、气候因子及预报方法研究,专题负责人,2005年12月完成。








    1.Guicai Ning,Steve Hung Lam Yim,Shigong Wang,et al.Synergistic effects of synoptic weather pstterns and topography on air quality: a case of Sichuan Basin of China. Climate Dynamics, 2019,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-04954-3.

    2.Guicai Ning,ShigongWang*, Steve Hung Lam Yim,et al.Impact of low-pressure systems on winter heavy air pollution in the northwest Sichuan Basin, China.Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2018,18:1–15.

    3.Ying Zhang ,Shigong Wang*, Xingang Fan,et al., A temperature indicator for heavy air pollution risks (TIP).Science of the Total Environment,2019, 678: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.006

    4.Xuping Song ,ShigongWang*, Tanshi Li ,et al.,The impact of heat waves and cold spells on respiratory emergencydepartment visits in Beijing, China.Science of the Total Environment, 2018,615:1499–1505.

    5.Guicai Ning ,Shigong Wang*, MinjinMa,et al Characteristics of air pollution in different zones of Sichuan Basin, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 612:975-984,

    6.Xuping Song ,Shigong Wang*, Yuling Hu, et al. Impact of ambient temperature on morbidity and mortality: An overview of reviews.Science of the Total Environment,2017,586,241–254

    7.Pan Ma,Shigong Wang, Xingang Fan, TanShi Li. The impacts of air temperature on accidental casualties in Beijing, China.Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13(11), 642.

    8.Xuping Song, Yu Liu,YulingHu,Shigong Wang*. Short-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Cardiac Arrhythmia: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review.International Journal ofEnvironmentalResearchand Public Health,2016, 13, 642

    9.Zhang, Y.,S.G. Wang*, Y.X. Ma, K.Z. Shang, Y.F. Cheng, X. Li, G.C. Ning, W.J. Zhao, N.R. Li. Association between Ambient Air Pollution and Hospital Emergency Admissions for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases in Beijing: a Time Series Study. Biomed Environ Sci, 2015, 28 (5): 352-63.

    10.Gong Chongshui, Xin Jinyuan,WangShigong, Wang Yuesi, Wang Pucai, Wang Lili, Li Pei;The direct radiative forcing of aerosol retrieved from MODIS over the Beijing metropolitan area from 2004 to 2011;Journal of Aerosol Science; 2014, 69:62-70. doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2013.12.007.

    11.Pei Li, Jinyuan Xin, YuesiWang,Shigong Wang, Kezheng Shang, Zirui Liu, Guoxing Li, Xiaochuan Pan, Linbo Wei, Mingzhen Wang, Time-series analysis of mortality effects from airborne particulate matter size fractions in Beijing, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 81, 253–262.

    12.Minzhen Wang, Shan Zheng,Shigong Wang*, et al. The interaction effect of temperature and air pollution on hospital admissions of respiratory disease in Lanzhou: evidence from a heavily polluted region in western China [J]. Biomedical and environmental sciences. 2013, 26(5):403-407.

    13.Shan Zheng, MinzhenWang,Shigong Wang*, et al. Short-term effects of gaseous pollutants on daily hospital admissions for cardio-cerebrovascular disease in Lanzhou: evidence from a heavily polluted region in China [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2013; 10 (2): 462-477.

    14.Wang Shigong,Wei Yuan, Kezheng Shang,2006: The impacts of different kinds of dust events on PM10 pollution in northern China. Atmospheric Environment, 40:7975-7982.

    15.Wang, S.G., J.Y. Wang, Z.J. Zhou, K.Z. Shang. Regional characteristics of three kinds of dust storm events in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2005, 39 (3): 509-520.


    [1] 2013年,“沙尘对我国西北干旱气候影响机理的研究”获“国家自然科学二等奖”(本人排名第二);

    [2] 2012年,“沙尘与云和降水相互作用及对西北干旱气候影响研究”获“甘肃省自然科学一等奖”(本人排名第二);


    [4] “祁连山空中水资源开发利用研究”2009年获甘肃省“科技进步二等奖”

    [5] “甘肃干旱生态环境对全球气候变暖的相应及减灾技术研究”2007年获甘肃省“科技进步二等奖”;

    [6] “亚洲沙尘暴及其数值预报系统” 2006年获中国气象局“气象科技奖-研究开发奖一等奖”;







    [13] 2010年作为团队带头人入选“国家级大气科学教学团队”(1/10);

    [14] 2009年获“甘肃省高等学校教学名师奖”(1/1);

    [15] 1997年获甘肃省“教学成果一等奖”(1/5);

    [16] 2005年获甘肃省“教育厅级教学成果奖”(1/5);

    [17] 2005年主讲的《天气学》获甘肃省“精品课程奖”(1/5)。




